A mother has issued a heartbreaking warning after her daughter choked to death on a Cadbury’s Mini Egg. Sharing her tragic story on the parenting website Mumsadvice in 2018, the anonymous mother is urging parents to be more careful about giving their children the popular chocolates around the Easter period.

Highlighting the often overlooked warning on the back of Cadbury’s Mini Egg packets, the heartbroken mother wrote: “With Easter coming up, I want to warn you all about another deadly choking hazard, one that tragically took away my child.

Although every packet of Mini Eggs has a warning that the chocolates are “not suitable for children under four” printed on the back, Sophie was five years old when she passed away.

The egg-shaped chocolate treats consist of a hard sugar shell and can be bought in supermarkets for as little as £1.

Urging other parents to be more vigilant with the popular Easter chocolate, Sophie’s mother concluded: “If your children enjoy these chocolate treats, please watch them extra close and remind them to sit down whilst eating them or avoid them altogether.”